My first thought about this class when Dr. Rosen spoke about how actively engaged we are always going to be excited me. I knew from the start it was going to be something I'll enjoy because it was going to be different than what I am used to in a normal educational setting.
Our first assignment was to read the first part of the book and pick a word, phrase and sentence that we believed summarized part one overall. Collectively as a class we had 9 words, 9 phrases and 9 sentences. It was mind-blowing that even though we all read the same pages we all came up with different choices but the context and meaning of part one was fully understood.
My group came up with words: foundation, school and shape. Whether or not they have different meanings, that group of words easily correlate to each other regarding the first part of the book. Foundation is such an important part of anything in life because it is the building blocks to the final product. This era was so important because it was the foundation that shaped what we consider our educational system to be today.
"Without undervaluing any other human agency, it may be safely affirmed that the Common School...may become the most effective and benignant of all forces of civilization."
- Horace Mann
Phrases: free common school: (1) the most American thing about America, (2) were required by law to build schools, (3) local control by elected school committee, (4) all citizens have an obligation, (5) freedom struggle, (6) effective education for the 21st century, (7) the educated citizen, (8) the great balance wheel of social machinery and (9) blue back speller.
How can so many phrases relate to Part One of our book? How did we all manage to bring a different perspective into the classroom?
How can so many phrases relate to Part One of our book? How did we all manage to bring a different perspective into the classroom?
The sentences aspect of this assignment was the most interesting because a sentence brings so much more depth into a conversation like this versus a word or phrase. My favorite sentence picked throughout this assignment was "It is a free school system, it knows no distinction of rich and poor... it is the equalizer of their conditions of men, the great balance wheel of the social machinery." Reason being, we all attend school, whether it is a public, private, charter, university, college or community college. We ALL want to better ourselves, better our knowledge and create the best possible future for ourselves individually as well as creating a better future for us and our future families.
Great content and I LOVE how this looks visually!